Welcome to Farm to Market Training
The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 was a proposed law to remove hemp (defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC) from Schedule I controlled substances and making it an ordinary agricultural commodity. Its provisions were incorporated in the 2018 United States farm bill that became law on December 20, 2018.
New Industry - New Role
The Role of the Sampling Agents is new to the USDA created as part of the Hemp Production Program.
USDA governs national programs while each state and tribe is required to oversee hemp sampling agents within their state programs. While you will become eligible for assignments upon completion of this program, you must also be accepted by each state in which you wish to provide services. Farm to Market assists in that process, certifies individuals who have completed this training, verifies background and provides resources and tools for samplers in addition to continuing education and peer discussion groups.
Many of the credential requirements that you will find as part of this Farm to Market Training program will exceed the minimum requirements in an effort to identify individuals available to serve farmers who have documented training, measured aptitude and who maintain sufficient resources. In an effort to provide fair and dependable services to farmers, it is important that registered laboratories and cultivators have a qualified individual holding their outcomes in the balance.
STEP 1. This is a required course in order to demonstrate acknowledgement of the Hemp Sampling Agent role, resources outlining correct actions and best practices to follow the guidelines and rules as interpreted nationally and within each state and tribal region.
Farm to Market Training maintains a directory of individuals who have completed and acknowledged the acceptance of these certifying standards and we report each student who completes this module to the USDA. Farm to Market Training attests that this content is taken directly from USDA provided materials and that the content meets or exceeds the requirements set forth from the United States Department of Agriculture to claim an individual is qualified and certified according to the published guidelines as of February 20, 2020.
STEP 2. A background check must be completed through a verifiable means with records provided directly to Farm to Market. Students are eligible to complete the Background Verification Request authorizing a full nationwide background check to be added to the student's registration file any time during which the course shows completed.
STEP 3. After completion of the Hemp Sampling Agent Training course, each student is eligible for registration with USDA as a Certified Crop Sampling Agent and your listing will include your name, business name and business contact information. If you do NOT wish to be listed, you must opt out of this program in writing to Farm to Market Training.
STEP 4. Experienced Hemp Sampling Agents may complete a "Field Practicum" course in order to become an eligible instructor for this LIVE course being held in locations across the United States. Interested Certified Crop Sampling Agents should request the information packet from Farm to Market Training.
Thank you for your commitment to Hemp Farmers across the nation!
Best wishes for a successful certification process.
If you need technical assistance, cannot enroll in the course as expected, or have any other questions or comments related to the course, please email [email protected].
Genetics are unpredictable in many parts of the nation. This combined with the strict total THC testing requirement creates a thin margin of error for testing.
- South Texas Farmer
Why Require More Than USDA?
Minimum standards can easily be met by the masses who might wish to explore this career opportunity but with the livelihoods of farmers in the wings, Farm to Market requires background checks and continuing education requirements for registered hemp sampling agents.